Soul Ring Sling (Gathered) Moonstone (237) In Stock Now

  • Weight recommended : up to 15 kg (33 lb)
  • Width : 28 inches wide


  • Size 3 : 83 inches (211 cm)

From Soul:

Our signature linens are known for their natural anti-bacterial quality. They wick moisture away from your baby and are ideal carriers for hot and humid climates. They make soft and stylish ring slings, with a slight lustre for special occasions. The double colour combination also make them a delight to reverse and wear! These easy-breezy airy fabrics are out to bust any myths you've heard about linen. Doubled, they form a wonderfully soft and supportive sling, ideal for infants and toddlers alike. For optimal softness we recommend a wash and steam iron before use.

This product is ethically made by Soul in Bangalore, India.

* Please wash and iron your Soul carrier once before use. Wash it separately for the first few washes as the colours may bleed a little.

* Sizes mentioned are before washing. Please note that the wraps are generously sized, as there will be shrinking for the first few washes.

* Soul fabrics may show colour variations, loose threads, tiny slubs, snags or unevenness that are characteristic of natural fibre textiles. These variations should in no way be considered flaws or defects as they do not affect the functionality of the carrier. It is the nature of the fabric and these imperfections highlight its natural beauty and uniqueness.

    NOTE: Broken Thread fixed about 1/3 up from the tail, monitor for safety.