Check-In Procedure
Please take your carrier to the library table to be checked in and inspected. If no one is present, you may leave the carrier at the table- if a volunteer needs you assistance they will find you later.
Check-Out Procedure
You must be a member in order to check out carriers from the lending library A volunteer will assist you in filling out the checkout form and inspect the carrier before it is checked out to you.
Cleaning and Care
In order to minimize wear on the library carriers, please only spot clean the carriers with a damp cloth or baby wipe while in your possession. Should more cleaning be necessary due to spit up, blow outs, etc, please contact a volunteer for instructions. If an item is damaged or destroyed due to improper cleaning you will be charged the repair cost or the replacement cost of the carrier. Normal use is expected, but carriers that require cleaning BEYOND one wash cycle due to pet hair, stains, or excessive dirt will result in a $5 cleaning fee.
Late Fees
Carriers are due at the same meeting it was checked out from. A $1/day late fee will apply for overdue carriers. Carriers that are 30 days overdue will be invoiced the replacement cost of the carrier. If the invoice is not paid within 10 days (or the carrier returned + payment of late fees), legal action may be taken.Please note: there may be more than one meeting in a month and more than one meeting location. Please try to return your carrier to the location it was checked out from in order to maintain equal distribution of carriers between locations.
Should you not be able to attend a meeting in order to return a carrier you are obligated to connect with the chapter librarian in order to arrange drop off BEFORE the meeting the carrier is due. It is up to you to both confirm if a late fee will apply, and to arrange drop off with a volunteer.
Checkout and/or exchange of carriers outside of normal meeting times should never be expected, but rare exceptions may be made. Requests will be considered on a case by case and are up to the discretion of the librarian and volunteer team.
Adherence to Lending Library Policies
Consistently late borrowers, or borrowers who violate the lending library policies may be subject to forfeiture of lending library privileges. There are no refunds on membership dues for any reason.